당나귀 Listening-Book 2 Test 15 (E)
87 카드 | CompassPublishing
to agree to receive or allow
Tobacco was valuable like gold and silver, and the "tobacco notes" were accepted there for most of the 18th century.
considered good in a particular situation
Copying other students' work is not acceptable.
happening once every year
Large companies publish annual reports for their stock holders.
to make an application or request
They both applied for the same job.
a piece of homework
The assignment is due on Monday. If you hand it in late, you will be docked two points per day.
a prize etc awarded
The film awards were presented annually.
unable to pay debts
Sometimes, even very good businesses can go bankrupt if they have trouble with money.
be supposed to
something that one is required to do
You were supposed to meet me in two hours. You are late.
the study of living things
In the biology class, students looked at leaves under a microscope.
book report
a written report describing a book that one has read
A child seemed to be very prepared to write a book report.
a round dish with tall sides, used to hold food or liquid
Tom ate four bowls of rice!
bumper car
electrical powered car with rubber bumpers
The bumper car is my favorite ride!
business trip
a visit made for work purposes
He’s going on a business trip to Peru.
by the way
a phrase indicating additional information
What did you say your name was, by the way?
a motor vehicle with four wheels that people can drive or ride in
My brother got a new car for his birthday.
to ask for payment from a customer
However, the store can then charge interest on the item.
two sticks that are used for eating
Jun taught Sally how to use chopsticks to eat her food.
feeling good in body or mind
She wears comfortable shoes so her feet don't hurt.
in every way and manner possible
It's difficult to focus completely on one task.
believing ones ability or talent
He is confident that he could do her job.
a person who purchases goods or sevices
I am not satisfied with the customer service.
becomes less in quantity, size, or intensity
We need to decrease the number of mistakes we make.
a sauce for salad or food
The most amazing dish that I've eaten was the turkey dressing made my my mom.
drop by
to visit someone
I’ll drop by on my way home.
a written record in a diary or list
Failure to comply with any of the above rules will disqualify the entry.
a group of teachers
Most members of the faculty spend a lot of time grading papers.
fill out
to write words in blanks on a piece of paper
Please fill out the form and give it to the clerk.
find out
to discover
Did you find out the secret?
a particular type or kind of something
Please fill out the application form before you enter this room.
items such as chairs, tables, beds, etc.
The new apartment is completely empty. We have to go shopping for furniture.
get used to
to become comefortable; to grow accustomed
She needs to get used to living with a lower budget from now on.
at the midpoint
Let's take a rest half-way to the store.
to stop for a moment before saying or doing something
She hesitated when I asked her a personal question.
in advance
before a certain event or service begins
The festival tickets are cheaper if you buy them in advance. Let's go buy them now.
in charge of
controlling; responsible for
Who is in charge of this company?
one of the portions which a debt is divided for payment
My last installment of the rent was paid in 2014.
insurance company
a company that pays the expenses if you have an accident
He works at an insurance company.
a meeting at which one person or party answers the questions of another
It is difficult to get an interview with famous people.
to put effort into reaching a goal
He invested a lot of time in his education.
keep in mind
to remember
keep in mind that there will be a pop quiz on this information sometime next week.
clothes that need to be washed or have just been washed
We couldn’t always do laundry because that cost money!
books or other writing
Chopin enjoyed reading literature about his home country Poland.
look after
to take care of
Can you look after my pet when I'm gone?
look forward to
to expect; to hope for eagerly
We are all looking forward to our vacation this month.
important in some way
The professor didn't really tell us anything meaningful about the final in today's study session. It was a waste of time.
a person who belongs to a group
All of the members wear the same clothing.
a large, rotating machine with seats for children to ride or amusement
The world's largest merry-go-round is 24 meters wide and has 269 animals.
each month
They have a monthly meeting to discuss the company's sales.
rather afraid
She was nervous about travelling by air.
nursing home
a small private hospital or home, especially one for old people
The elderly at the nursing home have some protections, but not much.
to place a request for a product or food or drink
What did you order for dinner?
a home for children without parents
Jerusha Abbot was a seventeen year-old American girl living in an orphanage.
to put things in something in order to carry them
Jenna and her dad packed up the car with items to be recycled.
a person who takes photographs or works in photography
The photographer took a picture of the beautiful flower.
the act of taking pictures with a camera
photography is his hobby, but his job is painting.
feeling pleasure or satisfaction at one's achievements, possessions, connections etc
He was proud of his new house.
having the proper training and skills
Until you get your basic maintenance certification, I'm afraid you're not qualified for this position.
to rate or class things
The newspaper ranked the best universities in the world.
a position on a scale to compare with others
My brother was a high ranking student leader in the school organization.
referring to a logical and right thing to do
He felt the price for the jacket was very reasonable so he purchased it.
to fill up again
He refilled her glass with milk.
to feel sorry about something
You won’t regret it!
to feel sorry about something
You won’t regret it!
to grant the possession or enjoyment of property, machinery, etc.
I rented a studio downtown so I could focus on my sculpting.
to give the use of something in return for payment
Sarah is looking to rent a house for the summer.
the opinion which people in general have about a person
She had a very bad reputation among her friends.
a short document that lists work history and education
A person looking for a job might spend hoursworking on a resume.
something given in exchange for good behavior or good work
If people honored Zeus, they would get rewards.
providing positive results or feelings
The seminar seems to be a rewarding business opportunity.
to sit on and be carried by a horse
He was great at riding horses and roping cattle.
right away
You have to finish your homework right away.
roller coaster
a track at a fairground that goes up and down very steep slopes
Roller coasters are one of the main attractions at most amusement parks.
causing fright or fear
The movie we watched two days ago was really scary.
search for
looking for
You can easily search for information on the Internet.
show up
to make obvious
Only three people showed up for the meeting yesterday.
to begin something
The man starts to run.
to agree
I have yet to submit my written report.
to agree
I have yet to submit my written report.
in an unexpected or extremely quick manner
We were walking in the woods when suddenly, a puma came out of nowhere.
take care of
to look after
The mother had to quit her job and take care of her son when he became disabled from the accident.
small pieces of helpful information
He gave me some good tips on gardening.
being difficult to complete or work with
Last night's homework assignment was very tough.
to shake slightly, but uncontrollably
The dog trembled when his owner took him to see a doctor.
any clothing worn next to the skin under other clothing
Does this store sell men's underwear?
used car
a pre-owned vehicle or a secondhand car
She had a car accident while driving a used car that she bought.
to make a choice for an individual in an election
Common questions include how much a person earns, how many children live in the house, and how people vote.
unpleasant, distasteful
This soup is cold and yucky!
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