센치한 Listening 길들이기-도약2 Unit 12 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
blood pressure
the (amount of) pressure of the blood on the walls of the blood-vessels
The excitement will raise his blood pressure.
very unsafe and likely to be the cause of danger
Going into the city alone can be dangerous.
get sick
to become sick
I got sick at the restaurant.
(generally) having good health
I'm really a very healthy person.
heart attack
a sudden failure of the heart to function correctly, sometimes causing death
My father has had a slight heart attack.
to continue
Please maintain a speed of no more than 70 km per hour.
to become well again; to return to good health etc
The country is recovering from an economic crisis.
anything which is due to something already done
My test result was much better than my father expected.
(a person, thing,etc,which causes or could cause) danger or possible loss or injury
He thinks we shouldn't go ahead with the plan because of the risk of failure.
to try to cure (a person or disease, injury etc
They treated her for a broken leg.
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