수직 Listening-Level 1 Day 22 (E)
30 카드 | CompassPublishing
all year-around
일 년 내내
He raises funds all year-around.
to carry something to another person or place
She calls her mother and asks her to bring her ID to the movie theater.
by mistake
due to an error
She needs to show her ID, but unfortunately she left it at home by mistake.
consist of
to be composed
The movement consists of several different organizations.
unfair treatment because of race, sex, age, religion, etc.
The movement works without any discrimination of any kind.
fishing pole
a rod of wood or steel or fiberglass that is used in fishing to extend the fishing line
You can also rent a fishing pole if you’re interested.
to create something
The organization was founded to protect human life and health.
human rights
The movement protects human rights.
relating to humanity or people
My name is Wendy, and I work with The International Red Cross, which is an international humanitarian organization.
She needs to show her id, but unfortunately she left it at home.
insurance fee
It’s $20 per hour, and that includes the insurance fee.
involved in
~에 관련된(연루된)
There are 97 million people involved in the movement.
in a way that is allowed by or related to laws
It consists of several different organizations that are legally separate from each other.
make a donation
This month we’re raising funds for humanitarian aid, so if you would like to be a part of the movement, please visit our website today and make a donation.
the lowest number or amount that is possible or allowed
She finds out that the minimum age is nineteen.
not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in thinking about the facts
The movement consists of several different organizations that are united by the objectives.
to work
The movement operates all over the world.
a business that is formed for a particular purpose
Red Crescent Movement is an international organization with about ninety-seven million volunteers, members, and staff all over the world.
point; concept
Several different organizations are united by the basic common principles.
put an end
종식시키다, 끝내다
It was founded to create quality control for the treatment of all human beings, and to put an end to human suffering.
raise funds
기금을 모으다
The movement raises funds every day.
room number
객실 번호
What’s your room number?
separate from
~로부터 분리된(독립된)
It consists of several different organizations that are legally separate from each other but are united by, the basic common principles.
an activity in which people swim under the surface of the water to view sealife
I heard that snorkeling is wonderful here.
snorkeling set
스노클링 장비
Do you have snorkeling sets as well?
A statute is a law that is official and has been written down.
They are united by the symbols, statutes, and governing organizations.
to bring to mind or imply
They suggest that she call her mother, ask her to find the ID, and bring it to the movie theater.
unfortunately, she left her ID at home by mistake.
a person who offers to do something; a person who works without pay
Wendy works with an international humanitarian organization with about ninety-seven million volunteers, members, and staff all over the world.
water sports activities
수상 스포츠 활동
I’d like to try some of your water sports activities.
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