수직 Listening-Level 1 Day 34 (E)
20 카드 | CompassPublishing
definitely, for certain
call in sick
전화로 병결을 알리다
Anyway, one of my coworkers called in sick, so I had to cover her shift.
to decide or announce that (something already arranged etc) will not be done
I did, but I had to cancel at the last minute.
to state something as being true, especially when there is some doubt
Do you have your baggage claim number?
a statement of unhappiness about something or someone
Please fill out this damage complaint form.
to form a layer over something
I had to cover my coworker's shift, because she called in sick.
to harm something physically
My luggage was damaged.
(an act of) handing over (letters, parcels etc)
How much does delivery cost?
discount coupon
I have a family discount coupon.
doze off
잠이 들다, 졸다
I started dozing off at the end, though.
fill out
to write information on a form
Okay, I just need you to fill out this form.
to repair something
Would you be willing to wait until we can have your baggage fixed?
flight attendant
a person who works in an airplane who brings food and drink to passengers
She is a flight attendant.
instead of
as a substitute or alternative to
instead of having your baggage repaired, I can offer you a thirty percent discount on your next ticket.
suitcases and bags
I lost my luggage.
make it
to establish, prove
Yeah, but I couldn’t make it today.
to change position, direction, or tendency
She called in sick, so I had to cover her shift.
that's a shame
안 됐구나
that’s a shame.
the carrying of people, goods, or materials from one place to another
And you believe the baggage was damaged during transit?
without limits or bounds
It includes unlimited rides in the theme park.
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