수직 Listening-Level 1 Unit 10 (E)
40 카드 | CompassPublishing
a formal, written request for something
Get on the website and submit your application today.
to understand something; to be aware of
I'd really appreciate it.
the act of attracting or condition of being attracted
The tickets include all of our attractions but not the rides.
very bad
I feel awful about making fun of Katie's clothes.
be aware of
~을 알다
Oh, I wasn’t aware of that.
be off
떠나다, 가다
I'm off to meet Joshua.
receive a loan of something with the promise to return it
Now Mike should ask his father if he can borrow the family car during the day for the next month.
a famous or well-known person
celebrities and professional dancers will join our judges’ panel.
a substance created through a chemical process
Well, because the farmers use different chemicals to make the carrots grow larger than they would naturally.
to try to beat others in a contest, fight etc
We’re looking for the most talented young dancers to compete for a spot on our team.
something that confirms or proves
Here’s my confirmation number.
to think about (carefully)
Actually, the chemicals are considered safe for humans to eat, but still, I'd like us to try to eat naturally-grown produce whenever possible.
a person involved in a competition or game
We are holding tryouts to find out contestants.
productive, using minimal time and resources
Mike’s university has a really efficient transportation system.
an excursion made by a company of persons for a specific purpose
Have you reserved tickets for the horseback riding expedition?
to use hands or arms to carry or keep something
To find our contestants, we are holding tryouts.
horseback riding
I just finished making reservations for the horseback riding expedition.
in person
done by going to a place
You might even get a chance to meet them in person.
to add something to a group or total
There are attraction tickets, which don't include the rides.
to look at something carefully
Ah, I forgot it's being inspected right now.
the brightness given by the sun, moon, lamps etc.
You can just carry the light stuff.
make fun of
to laugh at somebody
Please stop making fun of me.
유기 재배로, 유기적으로
The carrots are big because they are not organically grown.
a flat or curved part, usually rectangular, that serves as a wall, surface, etc.
Professional dancers will join our judges’ panel.
produce section
농산물 코너
Let’s go to the produce section.
involving doing the same things at the same time each day etc.
There’s a regular inspection on the second Sunday of every month.
to travel on
Then we also have passes for our rides.
should have p.p.
~했었어야 했다
I should have said something about it sooner.
show off
to bring attention to oneself
If you think you have what it takes to dance with the best, come down and show off your talent.
sign up
to join an organization or make an agreement to do something etc by writing one's name.
I signed up online last night.
sit something out
(춤, 게임, 활동 등)에서 빠지다, 참여하지 않다
He had a traumatic experience with horses recently, so he’ll need to sit that one out.
to identify or notice
We need the best and most talented dancers to compete for a spot on our team.
stay healthy
건강을 유지하다
Rollerblading is a great way to stay healthy, we can do it almost anywhere, and it’s inexpensive.
material, substance or an object
You can just carry that stuff.
to offer (a plan, suggestion, proposal, entry etc)
Get on the B-Boy Superstar website and submit it today.
to stop from being in force or effect, usually temporarily
Last week, the university said a few of the routes will be suspended for one month.
having the ability to do something better than most people can
We’re looking for the best and most talented young dancers.
of causing pain or distress
Billy had a traumatic experience with horses recently.
a trial or test to see the qualifications of an applicant
We are holding tryouts in four cities around the country.
unfortunately, Mike lives on one of the suspended routes.
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