수직 Listening-Level 2 Day 21 (E)
9 카드 | CompassPublishing
a very big animal that lived millions of years ago
You said that dinosaurs were scary just before we started watching Before Time.
first-person shooter
1인칭 슈팅 게임
He seems a bit young to enjoy first-person shooters.
the part of a house where people put their cars
No, it’s not. It’s in my garage, safe and clean.
gas price
It’s cheaper to take the subway because of the rising gas prices.
get off
to get down from; to come out of
We have to get off now.
a small amount of food that a person eats between regular meals
I knew you’d like it, but let’s get a snack and then watch something else.
take place
I saw a poster that said it's taking place at PC Playground Arena.
a competition
They hold tournaments the last Saturday of every month.
the vehicles or number of vehicles in a particular area
Then do you have any special reason for taking the subway, like getting exercise or avoiding traffic?
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