수직 Listening-Level 2 Day 27 (E)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
to cause to like or be interested in something
If we put them outside the window, they’ll attract birds and butterflies.
having the necessary skills to do something well
Jessica knows Brian is a competent worker and has been doing his job very well.
a mixture of various decaying organic substances, as dead leaves and manure
I've seen you make compost out of them for the garden.
having no home
If you feel sad about the homeless birds, then sure we can.
marketing department
마케팅 부서
Jessica and Brian are working in the marketing department of a company.
negative effect
부정적 효과
Now, Brian’s behavior has negative effects on the productivity of the whole department.
pay attention to
keep in mind; take notice of; attend to
Jessica wants to tell him that during work hours he has to pay attention to his job.
To peel fruits and vegetables is to remove their skin.
It’s just a banana peel.
To polish something is to rub it in order to make it shiny.
Well, no. I was actually going to use that peel to polish my leather shoes.
a large number of unpleasant events of the same type
Did you know you could use banana peels to relieve bug bites and other itchy rashes?
to lessen or stop (pain, worry etc)
For example, did you know you could use them to relieve bug bites and other itchy rashes?
run blog
블로그를 운영하다
She has noticed that Brian has been spending more and more time running his own blog.
all of the things that affect someone or something at aparticular time
In this situation, what would Jessica most likely say to Brian?
take care of
to look after
He’s a popular blogger and takes care of his blog after work.
team member
Jessica is the manager, and Brian is her team member.
A trail is a path through a wild area.
I’ve always liked this trail, Dad.
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