수직 Listening-Level 2 Unit 15 (E)
40 카드 | CompassPublishing
electrical device (ex: refrigerator)
We should invest in energy-efficient appliances.
in a manner that is fitting or proper for a specific person, purpose, time or occasion
Be sure to dress appropriately.
a plant with many thin branches that is smaller than a tree
You should wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to avoid getting pricked by the berry bushes.
a small electronic or mechanical device that can solve mathematical problems
Do I need to bring a calculator?
to decide or announce that (something already arranged etc) will not be done
Aren’t you happy that they canceled the championship?
to make or become different
Here’s your change.
check out
to borrow something like a book for a set amount of time
Are you ready to check out?
classified ad
(항목별) 광고
Honey, let’s look in classified ads for an apartment.
(American) a cupboard:
I did. It’s in the closet in your office.
friend; someone you spend time with
But pets are supposed to be the best travel companions.
easy and comfortable to do or get to
That sounds quite convenient.
referring to a temperature that is lower, but not cold
Can anyone bring a cooler to keep our food cold?
set aside or apart for a special purpose
You seem completely dedicated to your work.
a difficult choice between two undesirable alternatives
That’s quite a dilemma.
feeling sad, unhappy or displeased
Ryan looks upset and disappointed in himself.
productive, using minimal time and resources
We should be sure to use energy-efficient bulbs and invest in energy-efficient appliances.
something produced or given off , especially a gas or radiation
If we cut down on our energy usage at home, we can cut down on emissions from power plants.
at some later time
I knew the shop would close eventually.
free of charge
at no cost; no need to pay
It's free of charge, so tell your parents to bring the whole family.
gathering of the crops
We’ll also be allowing you to pick blackberries and boysenberries for you to harvest on Berry Delicious Day.
a situation that is difficult and involves problems, effort, or arguments with people.
It’s such a hassle to bring coolers to keep our food cold.
Well, do we really need a water hookup?
how on earth
도대체 어떻게
Yes! how on earth did you know that?
in case
(~할) 경우에 대비해서
Nevertheless, I think we should print them out just in case.
a state or an example of problems or trouble, which often causes a delay or loss of comfort
It’s no inconvenience to us if you’re a couple of minutes late.
매점, 가판대
We just have to show them at the kiosk.
place where garbage is buried
Recycling cuts down on the amount of consumer waste that goes into landfills.
make sense
to be understandable
Okay, that makes sense.
built by humans
Some of them are natural, but most of them are man-made and preventable.
pick up
to lift up, to collect something or someone from a certain place
Her flight arrives at 7 p.m., so I'll pick her up at the airport after work tomorrow.
pick up after
~의 뒤처리를 하다
It’s our duty to pick up after ourselves to help preserve and beautify our environment.
a living thing that grows in soil and has leaves and roots
Power plants also pollute our air.
예방 가능한
Some of them are natural, but most of pollution is man-made and preventable.
raise money
to work to earn money
We will be spending the next three months discussing ways to raise money.
the money people pay to someone to live in a certain place
We have to decide on which one to rent before the end of the year.
something that is a necessity
Well, it won’t be easy to find an apartment that meets all of our requirements.
to agree to a new and later date for something to happen
Oh, by the way, the meeting has actually been rescheduled for one o’clock.
an act, system, or business of moving people or goods from one place to another
The Department of transportation don’t think there is enough money to build a subway system.
special or different from everyone else
We really enjoyed your dish this evening. You really create some unique flavors.
disturbed or distressed
He notices that Ryan looks upset and disappointed in himself.
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