수직 Listening-Level 3 Day 24 (E)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
come up with
develop; invent
Did you come up with the idea yourself?
consist of
to be composed
It consists of four buildings with 100 dining rooms and a huge performance hall.
to be someone's boss; to have someone working for you or your company
The restaurant employs about 1,000 people, including 200 cooks in the kitchens.
floor plan
a design for the inside of a building
Secondly, the floor plans of stores are set up to maximize what you buy.
making a person feel happy and satisfied
If you follow these simple tips, I’m sure you’ll save money and live a more fulfilling life.
impulse purchase
충동 구매
Resist impulse purchases.
in the habit
~하는 버릇이 있는
If you are in the habit of taking a taxi to work each day, you can save a lot of money by taking the bus or subway.
a person who instructs
The instructor will show us when we meet.
international airport
국제 공항
It’s only 20 minutes from the international airport.
다른 목적에 맞게 만들다
We learn how to repurpose old things.
to remain strong against something
Be conscious of these strategies and resist impulse purchases.
unusually or unexpectedly
More surprisingly, it consists of four buildings with 100 dining rooms and a huge performance hall.
take advantage of
cheat; treat unfairly
Third, take advantage of online shopping.
traditional show
전통적인 공연
In the performance hall, traditional shows are held every weekend.
an act, system, or business of moving people or goods from one place to another
First of all, transportation can be expensive.
My art teacher enjoys woodworking as a hobby.
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