BigBook-Book 4 Unit 12 (E)
15 카드 | CompassPublishing
a vessel used for transport on water
Bob and Sue had two boats.
a party with festivities
Bob and Sue wanted to have a celebration with their friends.
to carry and turn over something to others
Therefore, Sue knew she had to make 7 trips to deliver all the sandwiches.
to split a whole into parts
Bob divided 70 into 280.
figure out
to solve
So, Bob and Sue needed to figure out how to transport their friends to the island.
a person who spends time at another's home or event for a social activity
They also needed to present a meal for their guests.
in charge
having control of
Sue was in charge of transporting the food.
to ask someone to attend your event
Bob and Sue invited 280 people to their party.
food served or eaten at breakfast, lunch, or dinner
They also needed to present a meal for their guests.
at the same time
meanwhile, Sue needed to figure out how many trips she had to take to bring 280 sandwiches to the island.
to offer
They also needed to present a meal for their guests.
two or more slices of bread with a layer of meat or cheese or spread
They also decided to serve one sandwich to each of their friends.
to plan for a certain date
The party was scheduled to be on an island.
to carry something from one place to another
So, Bob and Sue needed to figure out how to transport their friends to the island.
a journey
So, Bob had to figure out how many trips he had to make to transport all 280 friends to the island.
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