BigBook-Book 6 Unit 09 (E)
15 카드 | CompassPublishing
to interest or engage
Practicing Hindus are less concerned with the dates of when the religion began as they are more interested in the religion’s substance.
to take or receive gladly
It did not develop during modern times and so Hinduism also embraces many traditions from people all over the world.
to stress
The reason is because Hinduism emphasizes personal spirituality instead of worrying too much about laws and rules.
to attract and hold attentively due to an unique power
The history of Hinduism is fascinating.
for starters
to begin with
Well, for starters, scholars cannot really pinpoint when the religion began.
giving information
I went to a very informative seminar and listened to a presentation about the history of Hinduism.
pertaining to a particular person
The reason is because Hinduism emphasizes personal spirituality instead of worrying too much about laws and rules.
to locate
Well, for starters, scholars cannot really pinpoint when the religion began.
the science of government affairs
The religion also developed and changed as society and politics changed.
a demonstration to offer or display information
I went to a very informative seminar and listened to a presentation about the history of Hinduism.
a person who has studied a subject for a long time
Well, for starters, scholars cannot really pinpoint when the religion began because Hinduism is a very ancient religion.
a meeting for exchanging information
I went to a very informative seminar and listened to a presentation about the history of Hinduism.
the quality or fact of being spiritual
The reason is because Hinduism emphasizes personal spirituality instead of worrying too much about laws and rules.
the end of the week, usually between Friday evening and Monday morning
How was your weekend?
an expression of surprise or wonder
wow. People are so different, so how can embrace so many traditions!
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