English Chest (English Party)-Book 1 (Yellow) Unit 1 Lesson 3-1 (E)
6 카드 | CompassPublishing
a mass in the sky that is made from many droplets of water and is usually white or grey in color
There are white clouds in the sky.
the white object that circles the Earth and can be seen in the night sky; an object similar to the moon that circles another PLANET
The full moon is in the night sky.
the part of day from twelve o'clock at night until noon
I wake up early in the morning.
the time when the sun cannot be seen that occurs during each period of twenty-four hours
I like to read my book at night before I go to sleep.
a mass of burning gas in space that looks like a point of light in the sky at night
Many stars are shining in the night sky.
the large, bright, burning object in space which Earth circles around that provides Earth with heat and light; any star around which PLANETS circle around
The sun feels very hot today.
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