Extensive Reading-Book A Unit 01 (E)
20 카드 | CompassPublishing
the representation of a subject, not directly stated, through another similar subject to it
The author’s statement about knights and chivalry was allegorical to Arthurian legend.
on the verge
The depressed man was on the brink of suicide after surviving the car accident.
able to cause action, belief, or feeling (syn. well supported, forceful, persuasive / ant. weak, unsupported, uninspiring)
The novel was so compelling that I decided to find more books by the same author.
explain or illustrate by an example
The sword exemplifies the meaning of duty and honor in the medieval ages.
one of a class of supernatural beings, generally conceived as having a diminutive human form and possessing magical powers with which they intervene in human affairs
The fairy was so small it could not be seen, even when it was playing tricks on humans.
an exceptional natural capacity of intellect
The chess master was a genius, always thinking ahead of his opponent.
to disturb or distress
There is an old ghost that haunts that house.
to live in (syn. reside in)
The cave is inhabited by bats. They come out in the evenings and eat all the bugs.
praise highly
George Washington is lauded as the Father of the United States.
quality of being virtuous
Old fables dealt with morality and the correct behavior for life.
a system or body of myths concerning a particular person or race
Ancient stories usually contain many mystical ideas about dragons and gods.
a writer of plays; dramatist
Shakespeare is considered to be one of the greatest playwrights in modern history, having written numerous plays and poetry.
a man subject to uncontrollable amorous passion
The hopeless romantic satyr thought about the woman all day long.
broad comedy characterized by boisterous action
The Three Stooges were professional comedians that specialized in slapstick comedy.
the contemplation or consideration of some subject
My views are only speculation because they are based only on myobservations.
strong evidence for something
The great earthquake was a strong testament to the power of nature.
a dramatic composition, often in verse, dealing with a serious or sombre theme
Othello is a tragedy about the destructive nature of human distrust.
an immoral or evil habit or practice.
His only vice was gambling large sums of money on payday.
moral excellence; goodness; righteousness
To strive for excellence is seen as a virtue in many cultures.
quaintly humorous, odd
The old man felt whimsical as he swayed back and forth on the children’s swing.
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