Extensive Reading-Book B Unit 16 (E)
20 카드 | CompassPublishing
to obtain something
She acquired the building after the death of her husband.
blood vessels
The flexible tubular canals through which blood circulates in the body
The blood vessels transport blood throughout the body.
relating to the heart
Blood vessels are part of the cardiovascular system.
of or pertaining to the blood vessels of the brain
The most commonly known cerebrovascular disease is stroke.
an almost solid lump
She often has big bruises because her body is not able to clot the blood.
able to be given from one person to another
Mad Cow Disease was attributed to the communicable disease that was now ravaging the country.
lack of what is needed
Pregnant woman often suffer from iron deficiency.
causing damage
Her poor study habits proved to be detrimental in her ability to get into a good college.
causing a lot of damage or destruction
The hurricane was devastating because it affected the entire village.
a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood
diabetes is occurring more often in children who are obese.
a condition in which the ability of the immune system to produce antibodies is impaired
An immunodeficiency disorder may be present at birth or may develop later in life, often as a result of another disorder.
describes a disease or a diseased growth that is likely to get uncontrollably worse and lead to death
Her tumor turned out to be malignant, and the doctor only gave her six months to live.
the way in which genes change and produce permanent differences
Since radiation can cause mutations, pregnant women are discouraged from taking x-rays.
being very fat
The introduction of fast foods is the leading cause of obesity in developing countries.
existing very commonly or happening frequently
Christianity is probably the most prevalent religion in the world today.
to cause great damage to something
When the enemy finished ravaging the village, it lay in ruins.
a particular type or quality
A particular strain of bacteria caused the outbreak of eye disease in the school.
a sudden change in the blood supply to a part of the brain, which can cause a loss of the ability to move particular parts of the body
The stroke that her mother had last year has impaired her mother's ability to drive.
a number of symptoms occurring together and characterizing a specific disease or condition
Down's syndrome is a genetic condition in which a person is born with lower than average mental ability.
something harmful that is increasing without any limits or attempts to prevent it
If the present trend continue unchecked, the disease will devastate the entire town.
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