Extensive Reading-Book B Unit 18 (E)
20 카드 | CompassPublishing
to shorten a word or phrase by leaving out letters
Because her name was so long, she abbreviated her name to Ann.
to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe
The drugs did not alleviate her pain; in fact, they made it worse.
to make different in details but not in substance
When they edited the movie, they had altered the writer's original theme.
any chemical substances that is able to inhibit the growth of or to destroy bacteria
She was on antibiotics for two weeks before her symptoms started to get better.
a substance that prevents the clotting of blood
My friend suffers from a blood clotting disease for which she takes an anticoagulants medicine.
destroying or inhibiting the growth of fungi
The doctor prescribed an antifungal cream for the fungi that was growing on her toe.
The mother's comments were not beneficial when she presented her arguments for buying a car to her father.
the blood flowing through the circulatory system of a body
It was too late to save the girl; the poison had entered her bloodstream.
complete and including everything that is necessary
The company offered comprehensive training for all those that are hired.
to interrupt the orderly course of
The neighbors barged into the house, disrupting the family's quiet dinner.
the negative part of a situation
The benefits of the new project are apparent, but we also need to consider any drawbacks.
get rid of
The new cleaning solution promises to eliminate all household odors.
the prevention and treatment of illness or injury
Because of her love for people and medicine, she decided to enter the healthcare profession.
a hormone in the body which controls the amount of sugar in the blood
She has to have daily insulin injections for her diabetes.
to change by or subject to metabolism
When you have diabetes, it is important that you understand how your body metabolizes sugar.
a medicine
With the population living longer, the sales of pharmaceuticals related to geriatrics is anticipated to rise 50%.
the study of the preparation, qualities, and uses of drugs
My uncle entered the field of pharmacology because he liked to do research.
a person practicing a profession
The professionals knew what they were doing; they didn’t waste any time.
material with particular physical characteristics
Hazardous and toxic substances are defined as those chemicals present in the workplace which are capable of causing harm.
not discovered yet
Given his risk-taking nature, he likes to explore undiscovered islands.
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