Extensive Reading-Book B Unit 29 (E)
20 카드 | CompassPublishing
one who accepts
Automatic coin acceptors were installed on the toll way to alleviate some of the congestion.
acetic acid
a sour, colorless, liquid organic acid found in vinegar
acetic acid is what gives vinegar its sour taste and pungent smell.
building blocks
the basic things that are put together to make something exist
Reading classic books are the building blocks to a good education.
to put people or things into groups with the same features
The books are categorized by the author's last name.
any of a group of plants which produce juicy acidic fruits
Oranges and lemons are citrus fruits.
when your body digests food
Yogurt helps the digestion process to move along smoothly.
a person who donates
The primary donor of the museum wanted to remain anonymous.
A substance used to color materials
She used several bright dyes to give her fabric a very refreshing feel.
a substance that can explode, as gunpowder
The terrorists hid the explosives inside toy dolls.
area or length
The extent of the damage caused by the fire was not known.
a natural or chemical substance which is spread on the land or given to plants, to make plants grow well
It is important that you purchase the correct fertilizers for your plants.
to develop all the details of a plan for doing something
When the initial project failed, the team formulated a new plan to present to the CEO.
free from the influence
The goal of most home schooling families is to teach their children to think critically and independently.
to take food into the body
The boy, who was allergic to peanut butter, had ingested some by accident which caused his face to swell up.
a grey, green or yellow plant-like organism that grows especially on rocks, walls and trees
lichens can survive in extreme environments; they can live in hot, dry places as well as in wet rain forests.
a powder which is turned red by acid and blue by alkali
Neutral litmus is purple in color.
the greater number
The majority of the school children were from single parent homes.
the making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery
Most cheap toy manufacturing companies are based in China.
used to measure or compare the level of something
Centigrade and Fahrenheit scales are what is used to measure temperature.
a substance that dissolves another to form a solution:
Water is a solvent for sugar.
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