happening by chance
The little boy accidentally lit a match which caused his house to burn.
made by human work or art
The boy had many food allergies, and his mother does not buy any food that is artifically flavored.
the scientific study of the chemistry of living things
She wanted to be a doctor and decided on biochemistry as her major.
an innovation; a new and better product or technique
The breakthroughs in computer technology over the past twenty years have helped humankind improve speed in communication
the separation of mixtures into their constituents
Police often use chromatography to identify drugs in urine and blood samples.
something that confirms or proves
We received confirmation the diplomat was on the plane that had crashed.
to give or furnish
The church members contributed generously to the hurricane victims.
the science dealing with crystallization and the forms and structure of crystals
X-ray crystallography is the science of determining the arrangement of atoms within a crystal.
a person guilty of a crime or offense
We could not figure out who was eating all the cookies; the culprit turned out to be their puppy.
to prove to be false or in error
His theory of life on the sun was disproved by scientific evidence.
to convert information into code
The army's method of encoding was inadequate which allowed the enemy to figure out their plans.
to breakdown complex molecules in organic compounds, caused by the influence of a ferment
Kimchee ferments faster in warmer temperature.
The trip was canceled until further notice.
pertaining or according to genetics
Everyone has their own special genetic code that makes them who they are.
of characteristics or diseases passed from the genes of a parent to a child
One of the reasons the distant cousins were not allowed to marry was because of the hereditary disease in the family.
to have certain characteristics by heredity
She inherited her good looks from her mother.
relating to the chemical processes in the body
Diabetes is a metabolic disease where the body does not produce enough insulin, so there is too much blood sugar.
a book, journal, etc. made for sale to the public
The government banned publication of his book.
a distinguishing quality
Humility and gentleness were two character traits the teacher was trying to teach her children.
without fixed limits
The children behaved rudely because their boundaries of appropriate actions had been undefined.