to shorten a word or phrase by leaving out letters
Because her name was so long, she abbreviated her name to Ann.
a set of rules or guidelines related to behavior or activity in a particular area
Right and wrong are often defined differently by individuals who each have a unique moral code.
having consequence
The disease had affected the entire population, consequentially there were no doctors to asset in the hospitals.
the act or state of continuing
The continuation of her business was not affected by the riot.
to translate a message in code into ordinary, understandable language
Her training in the military allowed her to decipher the enemy's code.
lacking an apparent cause
In order to promote creativity, students are allowed to participate in free-floating experiments.
the group of people born and living at about the same time
Many generations of families have immigrated to the United States from that country.
a spiral
Guggenheim Museum is shaped in a helix.
the act of teaching or giving lessons
The teacher gave us instructions to sing in harmony.
a piece of equipment consisting of two vertical bars or rope joined to each other by a set of horizontal steps
Romeo climbed his rope ladder to reach Juliet's room.
concerned with mathematics
She knew the answer, but she couldn't figure out the sequence mathematically.
in regard to each of two or more
The first and second prizes went to Tom and Jerry, respectively.
to change the direction, order or position
She purchased a lottery ticket; she hoped to reverse her luck.
the horizontal bars on a ladder
She didn't realize one of the rungs was broken and fell off the ladder.
section of something
Lucy divided into three segments.
the way a series of things is ordered
What is the sequence for doing the tasks?
to place under or cover with water or the like
He submerged himself in the swimming pool for 10 minutes and broke the world record.
to turn, wind or bend
Andy twisted the bottle cap to open it.
existing as the only one or as the sole example
She always stands out in class; she has a very unique voice.
to use something in an effective way
She utilized her time in prison effectively by earning a high school degree.