something that is correct and true
People questioned the accuracy of his statements.
the time of ancient societies
In antiquity the Roman civilization was very powerful.
the number of copies of each issue of a newspaper, magazine, etc., distributed
The newspaper company went out of business because of their lack of circulation.
describes a society or country that has a highly developed system of government, culture and way of life
The people were not as civilized as she thought they would be.
Her devotion to her children was evidenced by her sacrificing her career to home school them.
self-respect, a calm and formal manner
The priest was a man of great dignity.
the quality of being graceful
The princess was known for her elegance and charm.
to have in mind
While she was growing up, she never envisioned herself getting married.
To establish or set up
The founding fathers of America envisioned a country that would grant religious freedom for all individuals.
All of the offspring that are at the same stage of descent from a common ancestor
The disease skips a generation and then appears in males in the following generation.
beauty on a large scale
The grandeur of the Grand Canyon is beyond words.
a theory that searched for truth and morality based on the history and actions of humans
The word humanism can refer to several different thoughts or theories.
something that makes a person work hard or be creative
The inspiration for the movie came from watching his mother deal with the disease.
to save from sin
Christians believe Jesus redeemed mankind by dying on the cross.
something that remains
The remnants of the city's former glory can be seen in huge cathedrals.
famous, well-known and liked
San Francisco is renowned for its beauty.
procedure by which something is performed
She had learned very good techniques; now all she needed to do was execute them.
the classics
the most famous works of literature
As a child, she enjoyed reading all the American classics.
the study of God and religion
In order to become a pastor, most denominations require you study theology in an academic setting.
directly following, as a result of
In the wake of the hurricane, the city lay in ruins.