related to understanding and liking beauty and art
She was very impressed by the aesthetic presentation of Japanese food.
of or connected with anatomy
The little girl learned all the names of her body parts by looking at the anatomical chart.
in keeping with or according to the Bible
In biblical times, people often lived for a very long time.
to honor
Many people celebrate Easter by going to church.
authorization to do a certain duty or task
The mayor commissioned the French artist to paint his portrait.
holding the most important position or greatest influence
Healthcare was a dominant issue during the presidential debate.
to think of as having some quality or characteristic
In mythology, the gods are endowed as having human traits.
delicate, finely made
The details on the stained glass window were exquisite.
painting on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling
Michelangelo used frescos in painting the The Last Judgment on the wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
to be based firmly on something
Her hatred towards men was grounded in her childhood experience.
making it seem more pleasant than it was
The movie had an idealized view of the Holocaust.
not satisfied with a normal amount
He could not satisfy his insatiable hunger and had to eat five hamburgers.
so real as to seem alive
The mannequins seemed so lifelike that even the manager was surprised.
painting, film or book which is done or made with great skill, and is often a person's greatest work
Falling water is considered to be Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpiece.
a wealthy or powerful person who encourages and supports the activity of others
The princess was a patron of art and supported struggling artists.
a particular way of considering something
Her perspective of the situation was very different than mine.
a painting, photograph, or drawing of a person
She commissioned the artist to paint her portrait.
not religious
She decided to home school her children because she was not satisfied with the secular public education.
religious devotion or piety
The pastor attempted to understand the spirituality of people who do not go to church.
a means by which thoughts are expressed or made known
For many small businesses, the web is a new vehicle for advertising.