Extensive Reading-Book C Unit 09 (E)
20 카드 | CompassPublishing
to speak to
The cancer victim addressed the senators on need for change in the health insurance industry.
the top
The climbers celebrated after they reached the apex of the mountain.
device or group of devices designed to perform a certain task
With his sophisticated apparatus, the doctor was able to perform several complicated surgeries.
business in general in the buying and selling of goods and services within a country and with other countries
The commerce between Asia and Europe is very good.
a condition of overcrowding
New York City suffers from major traffic congestion.
to imagine
When she is depressed, she enjoys conjuring up images of her happy childhood.
yearned or wished for
Although she ate very healthy and exercised, it did not have the desired effect.
the result of a particular influence
When the father worked less hours, it had a positive effect on his family.
to remove from consideration
After her child was diagnosed with diabetes, the mother eliminated all junk food from his diet.
to put into another substance
The piece of glass was embedded in her foot.
ferry boat
a boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles across an area of water
She took a ferry boat across the San Francisco Bay every morning.
put into action
The school implemented a new uniform policy for its students.
roads, water, electricity, and other basic things that help a country's people and economy
American tax dollars go to pay for the country's infrastructure such as public education.
occurring at the beginning
After the auto accident, the mother initially did not want her daughter to drive.
something newly introduced
The innovation of internet telephony is redefining the way people communicate.
an intermediate agent or agency
The former president acted as an intermediary between his country and foreign nations.
very noticeable
She wore heavy makeup to cover up the obtrusive scar on her face.
to stick out
The chimney protruded out from the middle of the roof, causing it to be an eyesore.
a new evaluation
After the reassessment of their educational goals, the parents decided they needed to pull their children out of public school.
something added to an existing thing to complete or improve it
The wife supplemented their income by babysitting.
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