not present
The father was absent from his daughter's wedding.
The aggressive behavior of the child caused much concern for the parents.
small change
There was a slight alteration in the plan; they decided to fly instead of driving.
a person or thing ready for something
She is the next candidate for the promotion.
a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is
The circumstances were not favorable for them to start a family.
the desire to purchase, coupled with the power to do so
The demand for the talking doll was high during the Christmas holiday.
to help
The guides language skills help facilitate our tour through the congested part of town.
unlearned behavior or ability
A mother's instinct tells her when her child is in pain.
not conforming to or in accord with tradition
She married a nontraditional man; he cooks, cleans, and stays at home to watch the children.
standard of behavior
Wearing baggy pants and earrings is the norm for students in this school.
to reproduce
Some women resent the fact that some men think they were put on this earth to procreate only.
to transmit
The church propagates a message of peace to the community.
to work hard at something
She studied hard and pursued a career in medicine.
to make copies of something
The teacher reproduced 50 copies of the exam.
a description of events that make up a general situation
The scenario of the play was that of a many trying to save his wife.
split up
get a divorce
Ever since her parents split up, Mary has not been the same.
planning in order to achieve a goal
The company's strategy is simple: make good products and sell at a low price.
following customs that have continued in a group of people or society for a long time without changing
She decided not to marry Tom because he was too traditional; he expected her to stay home, cook and have babies.
how parents, teachers, and others give a good or bad education and manners to a young person growing up
By the way she behaves, it is obvious that she had a very good upbringing.
capable of succeeding
The only viable solution to the family's situation was that the children had to quit school.