Extensive Reading-Book C Unit 60 (E)
20 카드 | CompassPublishing
scientific examination of something
I was interested in the teacher's analyses of the situation.
to achieve
When he attained his doctorate, he felt he had accomplished all his dreams.
having the ability or power to do something well
She was very capable of finding her way around town.
payment in money
My compensation for doing this work was only $40.
compensation package
all the items, in addition to pay, the company will give you
His compensation package included housing, tuition for his children's education and two round trip tickets back home for the entire family.
an analysis
Her yearly evaluation was very positive, so she got a big raise.
free will
the power to make one's own choices
People in communist countries do not have free will; they must obey what they are told to do.
human resources
Large companies have many programs to encourage and retain their human resources.
the ability to be mobile
After the stroke, she lost mobility in both her legs.
not influenced by emotions or personal beliefs
The teacher had her favorites and could never be objective when it came to resolving disputes.
a list of employees to be paid and the amounts due to each
After working as a temporary employee, they finally put me on the payroll.
all the people working in an organization
The human resources department of a company deals with hiring the personnel.
movement to a new and better job
Getting a promotion in his company enabled the young couple to purchase a house.
the process of interviewing and choosing people to do a job
She was responsible for the recruitment of cast members for the new musical production.
something given in exchange for good behavior or good work
The rewards of teaching far outweigh the negatives.
to test or examine someone or something to discover if there is anything wrong with them
Most companies screen their employees for drug abuse.
a good characteristic
His strength is that he gets along with everyone.
to work hard for something
The parents encouraged their children to always strive for perfection.
to experience
The store had undergone several renovations after the fire.
a negative characteristic
His weakness is that he can not focus very well.
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