Just Speak Up-Book 2 Unit 19 (E)
11 카드 | CompassPublishing
the top part of the body below the neck and above the stomach
At the audition, Carmen’s chest felt as tight as the strings on the guitar.
to become shut or no longer available
Please close the door when you leave!
the flames, heat, and light that result when something is burning
We lost everything when the fire destroyed our house.
to take and hold something quickly
They grab the last cookie and eat it.
the top or front part of the body that is supported by the neck and contains the brain, eyes, ears, mouth, and nose
When I jump, my baby falls out on his head!
a body part that pushes blood throughout the body
Without the heart there is no life.
one of the two parts of the body that allows people to breathe by drawing in, holding, and pushing out air
When you drown, your lungs fill with water.
(usually plural) either of two holes on the outside of the nose
A strong wind blew through our hair, and our nostrils breathed the salt air.
to move something forward or away, often by using one's hands
I like to push the cart at the supermarket.
to say something in a loud way
She shouted to get her friend's attention.
a cloud of gases produced by fire
The car was old, and a lot of smoke came out of it.
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