an institution where students can study a particular subject or profession and get a degree at the end of their studies college can help you get a better job.
a test to determine a person's health or knowledge in a certain subject
She really wants to pass the exam.
the mark given to determine the quality of a student's academic work
I got a bad grade in English.
a place for exercise
Classes were offered to those living in Hull House and the house also had an art gallery, gym, bathhouse, and library.
hang out
to spend a lot of time in a place or with a person or a group of people
The local kids hang out at the mall.
events that happened in the past
Knowing our history will allow us to plan better for our future.
The math homework was really difficult.
movement toward a goal
Much progress was made in building the new highway.
examine or access
The students review their notes for the exam.
to be angry and sad
He is upset because he got into trouble at school today.