Listening Practice through Dictation-Book 3 Unit 07 (E)
10 카드
forming the most significant, essential elements of something
Please explain only the story's basic ideas in the summary.
a person who purchases goods or a service from a store
Only a few customers came to my store today.
a written symbol that represents any of the numbers from 0 to 9
The amount of money the man agreed to pay for the house is a ten digit number.
expensive and popular
Sue is going to a fancy dress party tonight.
a set or collection of tools, supplies, instructional matter, etc., for a specific purpose
We bought a first-aid kit to take with us for a camping trip.
of, belonging, or related to a certain person
It was a personal decision for him to leave the company.
to get something new to put in the place of something that is old, broken or missing
It’s time to replace the filter with a new one.
relating to or using the sun or its heat
A solar powered calculator turns on when it is exposed to light.
well defined and clearly stated
The specific type of chocolate he likes is only found in Europe.
a written statement that promises to repair or replace a product that was purchased if it breaks or stops working under certain circumstances
This calculator is only five dollars one-year warranty.