in the same manner or form; similarly
A moth and a butterfly look alike, but they are not the same.
the opposite of top
His toy sank to the bottom of the bathtub.
to take hold of; capture
The kids spent the night trying to catch fireflies.
going or being a long way down from the top or surface
The well was so deep I couldn't see to the bottom.
huge in size
The Titanic was a giant ship.
material made of threads of rope, string, wire or plastic that are woven together but have very small openings
The fishermen caught many fish in their net.
a large body of salt water
The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.
a sea creature with a soft oval body and eight tentacles
The giant octopus grabbed the ship and pulled it underwater.
any of several ten-armed cephalopods squids swim in the oceans.
a flat animal that lives in the sea and has 5 arms which grow from its body
My father bought me a starfish to put into my aquarium.