Listening to the News: Voice of America-Book 3 Unit 09 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a person whose job it is to carefully examine something in order to better understand it
Our company hired an analyst to help us improve our profits.
to make known publicly
The company will announce their new products at the conference.
to make them sure of something
She convinced me to buy the house.
the act of giving something off
The stimulated emission of radiation allows masers and lasers to operate.
a group or company that makes a certain product
The toy manufacturers came into great financial success during the holiday season.
a chance to do or a time for doing
This would be a great opportunity to show her talents to all of her friends.
To promote someone means to raise them to a higher position or rank.
After two years in the company, she was promoted to a manager.
the first sample product
Before an actual car model is put into mass production, companies create a prototype to see how well it might do on the market.
the opinion that people have about someone
The doctor had a reputation for helping people.
to move something from one place to another
In order to fit more people at the table, they had to shift the chairs.
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