Listening to the News: Voice of America-Book 3 Unit 19 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a condition that can affect a certain event
The circumstances were not favorable for them to start a family.
to solve a problem or difficulty successfully
Since her family moved frequently, she developed coping strategies for not getting depressed.
involving skillful judgment
We use our creativity to make new objects and ideas, and we use critical thinking skills to solve problems.
Hygiene is the conditions or methods needed for health and cleanliness.
People who brush their teeth at least twice a day are practicing good hygiene.
lasting throughout one's life
As a lifelong latecomer, that is how I cured myself.
natural disaster
an event, such as an earthquake that causes destruction
Are there many natural disasters where you live?
in a most desirable manner
There is an optimal distribution that can be achieved.
excite to action
Her lecture stimulated a great deal of talk.
(medical) causing an injury
A traumatic event early in life can lead to phobias later in life.
being easily harmed, hurt, or wounded
There are hundreds of endangered species in the world which are vulnerable to factors such as climate, disease, and lack of food.
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