More School Subject Readings-Book 1 Unit 19 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a person who is legally responsible for himself or herself
Marcus is an adult now.
the period of a person's life when he or she is a child
Jay had a very interesting childhood.
to try to do something better than others who are doing the same thing, often in order to win something
Brothers and sister often compete to see who is better at something.
to keep taking place or being in existence without any changes or stops
Our argument continued throughout the night.
get along with
to be friendly or on good terms (with someone)
I get along with my sister very well.
feeling envy; envious
Mike got jealous when he saw his girlfriend flirting with another guy.
to have or use something that is also used or had by others
Would you like to share this pizza with me?
sibling rivalry
형제간 경쟁
It is common in most families that brothers and sisters haave sibling rivalry.
causing emotional stress
It has been a very stressful week for me.
to experience physical or mental pain or illness
There is evidence that he did in fact suffer from the crime scene.
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