On Point-On Point 1 Unit 07 (E)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
to mention as an example
The student used many resources to write his paper and had to cite all of their names at the end.
a particular area or place and the people who live there
The on-line community has been made possible with the development of the Internet.
to give attention or mental effort to something
If you concentrate on something, or concentrate your mind on it, you give all your attention to it.
related to meetings, communication, or relationships
Who's our contact person at the laboratory?
clearly different from something else that is similar
That girl has distinct pink hair.
a part or aspect of something
Every element in an ecosystem depends on every other element.
to make it possible for someone or something to do something
Reading will enable you to improve your vocabulary.
to make certain that something is true or will happen
I will ensure the continued development of our company.
the act of concentrating interest or activity on something
By changing the focus or context of a task, we can get renewed energy even when we feel that we are completely out of energy.
to start acting according to a certain decision, plan, agreement, etc.
The school implemented a new uniform policy for its students.
developed physically; fullgrown
The little girl was very mature for her age and used very good manners.
to reduce something to the smallest amount possible
Governments can minimize the burden of rising oil prices by issuing checks to the poor.
a particular attitude toward or way of thinking about something
Her perspective of the situation was very different than mine.
to strengthen or support
They put heavy objects behind the gate to reinforce it from the invaders.
an area or field of activity
We learned about just a few of the factories within the manufacturing sector.
something that does not actually exist but is made to look real using a computer
I like to play virtual combat games on my computer.
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