On Point-On Point 1 Unit 08 (E)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
to learn or develop a skill or quality
I acquired the right to fire anyone who brings down the company.
having no clear meaning, or having more than one possible meaning
The man's instructions were ambiguous, so I did not know what to do.
a written or spoken agreement that is meant to be legally binding
Most people have to sign a contract when they go to work for a company.
a period of ten years
Computers have developed remarkably over the past decade.
to clearly show the existence or truth of something
Escape artist Harry Houdini often demonstrated his ability with daring escapes.
special importance given to something
The emphasis of his speech was on the need for better safety regulations in the work place.
morally good or correct
Taking a bribe is not ethical.
in the end; after a long time
Tom and Piney will find out the truth about us all eventually.
in addition; besides
The flower is not pretty. furthermore, it smells bad.
the group of people born and living at about the same time
Many generations of families have immigrated to the United States from that country.
the main methods of mass communication (i.e., television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet)
Newspapers and radio are two kinds of media.
a series of actions taken to achieve something
Their process of lawmaking is unfair because the people have no say into what laws are made.
appropriate for or closely connected to a particular topic, situation, etc.
The thirty-year-old book about politics is still relevant to our society today.
to depend on with trust or confidence
He knew he could rely on his brother for help with his homework.
the function of a person or thing in a particular situation
The soprano has the leading role in the opera.
a place, person, or thing from which something comes
A flashlight is a source of a beam of white light.
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