On Point-On Point 2 Unit 08 (E)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
to fit the wishes or needs of someone
The restaurant was not set up to accommodate the physically disabled.
in a way that is acceptable in quality or quantity
Most plants need plenty of sunshine to grow adequately.
in basic or important ways
The current system needs to change fundamentally.
the ideas and way of thinking that is typical of a group, social class, etc.
The ideology of our modern culture is very different today than it was just 100 years ago.
to combine one thing with another so that they become a whole
Traditional television is integrated as it contains images, sound and text.
to make as large as possible
You should exercise regularly to maximize a healthy lifestyle.
a head of a government department (in certain countries)
The six foreign ministers posed for photographs.
the smaller number or part, especially one that is less than half of the whole
Hispanics now represent the largest minority in the United States.
the way something turns out; a result
It is only the first half of the game. The outcome is still unknown.
a person who actively does something like an art, discipline, or profession, especially medicine
Another name for a doctor is a medical practitioner.
to say that something is not allowed
Schools prohibit smoking because it is bad for peoples’ health.
unable to bend or change; not flexible
Societies often have rigid rules about the way that people are supposed to act.
a fact or piece of information from a study of a large amount of numerical data
The statistics showed that we did just as well this year as last year.
to cause something to pass from one place or person to another
Email is transmitted all over the world at the push of a button.
having no equal; exceptional
As a research tool, this 11th edition is unparalleled - even today
to be different from something else of the same type
Clearly, his debt to culture will vary with the nature of his education.
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