On Point-On Point 3 Unit 09 (E)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
to be present or occur at the same time as something
Remy accompanied the policemen into the office.
help with a job or task
He is asking the woman behind the counter for assistance.
to limit the scope, extent, or activity of something
Jim cannot join us because he is constrained by previous plans.
very loving or loyal; caring
We devoted our time and effort to educating orphaned children in Africa.
to completely erase, remove, or destroy something
We need to eliminate all the ants in our house.
to force something unwelcome or unfamiliar to be accepted
Some countries are imposing economic sanctions on the nation to pressure them to comply with international standards for human rights.
an established organization
Banks are vital institutions that businesses and people use every day.
the state, fact, or period of being fully developed or grown up
He lacks maturity for his age and does not have many friends anymore.
to change the meaning of something; to give a new meaning to
The word "surfing" has been redefined from something you do on the ocean to do something you do on the Internet.
having a need for someone or something for support
Because of his deafness, the artist was largely reliant on the gestures of those he was communicating with.
a person's home; the place where someone lives
Her residence was located three blocks from the beach.
To restore something is to put it back the way it was.
Victor restored the old car.
the state of being not likely to change or fail; permanence
The plane lost its stability in the turbulent air.
a change from one state or condition to another
According to the theory of demographic transition, nations go through several developmental stages.
never done or known before; happening for the first time
The 20th century witnessed unprecedented new discoveries in technology.
a service such as a supply of electricity, water, gas, etc. that is provided to the public
Most CO₂ comes from power utilities, industry, and transportation; much less comes from commercial and residential heating.
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