Power Reading-Power Reading 3 Unit 07 (E)
13 카드 | CompassPublishing
a piece of rock and ice moving through space
There are couple of asteroids orbiting the sun
able and ready to be used
We're having a party for her birthday, and her favorite restaurant is available to rent out
to send people to live in and control a faraway place
Many Europeans colonized the United States
after some time
eventually, he'll get around to fixing the table
based on imagination, not on facts or reason
The idea of pink dragons flying through the city is very fanciful
Great Barrier Reef
the world's biggest coral reef, located in Australia
The Great Barrier Reef is full of beautiful tropical fish
the fourth planet from the sun
mars is between Earth and Jupiter
to dig into the ground to collect materials
The men mine for gold deep underground
natural resources
things like wood, oil, and minerals that people use
Canada is rich in natural resources like oil and wood
a huge round body that orbits a star
I think Saturn is an interesting planet
science fiction
a kind of story about the future that is often set in space
Ray Bradbury is an amazing science fiction author
a vehicle that carries people or things through space
The astronauts board the spaceship and prepare for take off
a means of transport
Dan wants a new vehicle, but he's not sure if he want a car or a truck
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