Quattro Listening-Start Chapter 01 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
the son or daughter of an uncle or aunt, also known
Tommy's cousin came to visit him for the summer.
a journey in an AIRPLANE or other flying vehicle
I have a flight that leaves late on Friday night!
go hiking
go on an extended work for exercise
I'd like to go hiking if I have the time.
job interview
a meeting in which an employer asks the person applying for a job questions to see whether they would be the right person to do that job
You need to wear a suit for a job interview.
to go away from something or someone
The train leaves at 1:30.
not long in the past
I haven't seen them recently yet.
to hold a thought or image from the past in one's mind; to recall something from the past
Did you remember to buy a present for mom?
the time when one relaxes, sleeps, or is inactive
You should get some rest when you feel sick.
a period of time during which you relax and enjoy yourself away from home
I'm on vacation.
the condition of the air: hot, rainy, windy, etc.
Seasons are changes in the weather.
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