Quattro Reading(Word List)-Jump A Unit 26 (E)
8 카드 | CompassPublishing
to consider two things in order to see what is similar or different about them
I carefully compared the first report with the second.
in addition
The defendant stole the car. furthermore, he put people's safety in danger by driving recklessly.
a tiny living object that is capable of causing sickness and disease
Wash your hands often to prevent the spread of germs.
a part of a larger object that is designed to be held by the hands in order to use a device, tool, instrument, or door
I can't handle all of this work by myself. I need some help.
make sense
be intelligible, justifiable, or practicable
It does not make sense to buy something you do not need.
The moving object was being controlled by Harry.
to know; to understand
Do you realize how long this will take to finish?
the large bowl in a kitchen or wash room into which one pours water for washing hands, etc.
Please pour the dirty water into the sink.
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