Quattro Reading(Word List)-Jump B Unit 38 (E)
9 카드 | CompassPublishing
a piece of writing that is printed in a newspaper or magazine
He interviewed the mayor for an article about local issues.
as a result
He went to jail as a result of his illegal behavior.
come up with
develop; invent
She tries to come up with a new idea for increasing sales.
causing one to have no idea about what is right
It is confusing to remember the names of your classmates.
responsible for committing a crime or for having done something bad or wrong
A thief is guilty of stealing.
the time during which a person is alive
It was once-in-a- lifetime opportunity.
something that is strange, not understood, or unfamiliar
It is still a mystery how the man suddenly disappeared.
the series of events that form the main story of a book, play or movie
The movie was successful, but critics thought the plot was weak.
the structure of bones that supports the face and protects the head of a person or animal
Scientists study the bones and skulls of ancient animals.
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