Quattro Reading(Word List)-Master A Unit 13 (E)
8 카드 | CompassPublishing
to agree to take something that is offered to you
I will accept their offer and join their company next week.
to create an image using pen or pencil and paper
The technician at the blood bank will draw your blood.
fit into
~에 꼭 들어맞다
Lautrec thought he did not always fit into typical society either.
mostly; regarding the most important part of something
She owns several homes, but mainly lives in her house in New York.
a piece of writing or music that is of very high quality or the best
Falling water is considered to be Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpiece.
a small piece of paper or cloth used during a meal to clean hands or mouth
If you drop your napkin on the floor in an expensive restaurant, leave it there and politely ask for another one.
a drawing made rapidly that lacks detail
I am drawing a sketch of my dream car.
having the usual or normal features of a group
The building is typical of the Victorian era.
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