Quattro Reading(Word List)-Master A Unit 39 (E)
8 카드 | CompassPublishing
the smallest part of an element
The discovery of the atom ultimately led to the development of nuclear weapons.
difficult, not easy
Men are more complicated than they think.
something that is indistinguishable from something else
Can you make a copy of this paper?
the place one is traveling to
The bus’s final destination is the city’s main terminal.
ruin; damage
Many homes were destroyed because of the earthquake.
in a manner without delay; immediately
It started to rain instantly after we went outside.
science fiction
a type of book, film/movie, etc. that is based on imagined scientific discoveries of the future, and often deals with space travel and life on other planets
I like science fiction because I'm really interested in time travel and new worlds.
to state a particular idea or plan to be considered by other people
Tom suggested eating something before the movie starts.
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