Quattro Reading(Word List)-Master C Unit 10 (E)
8 카드 | CompassPublishing
unplanned; unexpected; happening by mistake
The crash was accidental, but Mark had to pay for the repairs.
by accident
in a way that is not planned
I met her by accident.
come up with
develop; invent
She tries to come up with a new idea for increasing sales.
to join things by melting them together
The various groups eventually fused into a single brotherhood.
to see, observe, or keep in one's mind
You haven't noticed that he was a boy yet?
on purpose
with intent
And the, John made a big show of throwing it over to Nick, and Nick missed it on purpose.
having a flat surface without irregularities
The feel of fine leather is smooth and soft.
a particular type of material
There was a strange black substance on the floor.
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