Reading Adventure-Book 2 Unit 03 (E)
8 카드 | CompassPublishing
to be uninterested in
I was bored by last night's concert.
money in its physical form, such as metal coins or paper bills
He paid for the groceries with cash.
a person who is responsible for assisting customers at a store or guests at a hotel
A clerk works at a store.
credit card
a special plastic card made by a bank, used for buying things without giving cash to the store
May I pay for it with a credit card?
as much as is needed
I have enough money to buy this car.
look for
to try to find
Can you help me look for my wallet?
a statement listing what you have purchased or paid for and the amount you paid
They always give me a receipt when I pay for my groceries at the market.
the number reached after adding or counting something
We have a total of 50 dollars between the three of us.
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