Reading Builder-Book 2 Unit 17 (E)
11 카드 | CompassPublishing
a living creature that is not a plant or person
The zoo is filled with animals.
to express negative thoughts or emotions
Sue needs to stop complaining about everything.
to add by one number at a time in order to determine the total number
Can you count how many shoes you own?
most preferred or liked
My favorite movie is horror movies.
something that is given to a person or a group in order to express good feelings or to celebrate a special occasion
A card is the greatest gift.
to position something in a raised position so that the top part is fixed and the bottom is unsupported and moves freely
I want to hang my favorite photo on the wall, but I don't have any.
feeling envy; envious
I'm so jealous of all the happy people and families.
being dirty or unclean
The room is so messy, you can't see the floor!
to give an answer to a question or request
David takes a long time to respond to a question.
someone's husband or wife
If someone asks if you have a spouse, they are asking if you're married.
stuffed toy
(솜으로 채운) 인형
These days, you can make your own stuffed toy at certain shops.
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