to have respect for someone due to their positive qualities or actions
Johnny Depp is whom I admire.
being satisfied and not wanting more
Tom is content with his B in science.
being alike in quality, value, purpose or degree
1000 milliliters is equivalent to 1 liter.
being costly; having a high price or value
Sue bought an expensive dress, but now she can't pay rent.
to finish or provide something successfully
David fulfilled his dream, when he became a famous singer.
something that is owned by a person, a group, or a business
I need a new apartment. Is the property on George Street available?
real estate
Real estate businesses or real estate agents sell houses, buildings, and land
Sue needs to move to a new apartment, so she calls the real estate to make an appointment.
occurring only a short time ago recent changes in the weather is the result of global warming.
someone who does research work
The researchers realized that the monster never existed.
time off of work used for relaxation or travel
It's had to make time for a family vacation.