Reading Challenge 2nd-Book 1 Unit 05 (E)
9 카드 | CompassPublishing
sensitivity similar to that of a receptor organ
Can you tell me how to put up a ham radio antenna?
the way someone or something acts
As a youngster, my bad behavior got me into a lot of trouble.
come out of
The boy came out of the coma after four days.
in contrast to something that has been stated already
Joan isn't feeling well, however she will still attend the meeting.
having a quality that is very strong or extreme
She felt intense pain when the doctor pulled-out her tooth.
lie down
to be or move into a horizontal position on a surface
If you are feeling sick, please lie down and get some rest.
the particular way in which someone or something is sitting or standing
In what position should I put the sofa?
something that temporarily quickens some vital process
The caffeine in coffee and soda is a form of a stimulant.
a group of things or people that have common features
There are many styles of cell phones today. What type are you looking for?
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