Reading Challenge 2nd-Book 1 Unit 08 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
break down
to stop functioning properly
My car broke down so I had to take the bus to work.
the amount of space between two points
The distance between Newcastle and Sydney is about 160 km.
grow up
to get older
I grew up in a small town in the center of the country.
in order to
as a means to
You should make sure your room is dark in order to sleep better.
instead of
as a substitute or alternative to
We should go to church instead of out to play.
keep in touch
in communication (with)
I really hope we can keep in touch with each other after you leave.
make history
큰 일을 해내다
It will make history when humans fly to Mars.
to have or use something that is also used or had by others
Tina was nice enough to share her notes on the American Revolution with me.
to move in a rapid turning motion
If you keep spinning, you will feel sick!
start up
사업을 시작하다
Dave and Clark are going to start up their own restaurant.
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