Reading Challenge 2nd-Book 1 Unit 12 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
of the Netherlands or its people
Mr. Van Patten is proud of his dutch heritage.
a building, place or machine that is made for a specific purpose
Where is the nearest sports facility?
of or relating to or characteristic of Finland or the people of Finland
The finnish winters can be very cold.
being a substance that is neither a gas nor a solid, which flows freely but without separating
I prefer to take liquid medicines because they are easier for me to swallow than pills.
possibly; maybe
perhaps if you ask him nicely, he'll let you borrow his car.
to cause a liquid or other substance to flow downward in a continuous stream out of or into a container or place
It's pretty common for people to pour syrup over pancakes.
to spread something along a surface while applying pressure
My mother rubbed some lotion onto my back.
the tiny drops of water that collect on a surface when hot, wet air cools rapidly
The steam from the shower made the bathroom mirror foggy.
a particular type of material
The box was filled with an unknown substance.
tiny droplets or pieces of some substance spread thinly throughout the air
The bathroom was full of vapor after the man took a shower.
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