Reading Challenge 2nd-Book 1 Unit 15 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
violent, angry or threatening
The aggressive behavior of the child caused much concern for the parents.
being possible to use or obtain
Most breakfast foods are only available during the morning hours.
causing damage
The destructive winds caused great damage to the small town.
the part of an area or an object where it ends or begins
The wilderness is located on the southern edge of the country.
to fight, attack or damage something or someone
The storm hit so unexpectedly that we had no time to prepare.
the act of growing bigger in size or amount
The increase of crime has led many people to buy home security systems.
the act or process of finding more information about something
The investigation into the fire showed that it had been started on purpose.
likely to cause surprise
The surprising news of their engagement confused everyone.
take another look at
다시 확인하다
Would you please take another look at my essay to make sure I didn't make any mistakes.
wanting or being able to use physical force to hurt someone or damage something
Many families are torn by violent behavior.
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