Reading Challenge 2nd-Book 2 Unit 08 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
something good that you have successfully done
Winning the gold medal for my country has been my greatest achievement thus far.
a place where sports, performances, and other kinds of entertainment are watched
We went to the arena to see a basketball game.
of an uncertain amount
Craig won around $1,000 at the racetrack.
depend on
to be conditioned or determined by
We may go to the beach tomorrow depending on the weather.
according to what is stated by an authority figure, though it may be false
Judith has officially accepted the position as VP.
on the other hand
from another side or aspect
Donald is quite short. on the other hand, his sister Donna is not.
a description listing the basic information about a person or group
His profile can be found on his website.
in an infrequent manner
I rarely eat a large breakfast during the week.
a person's name, written in a particular and unchanging way, such as on a check
My signature is very simple, anyone can copy it.
throw away
to get rid of; to put in the trash
I threw away my tissue after I was finished using it.
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