Reading Challenge 2nd-Book 3 Unit 15 (E)
9 카드 | CompassPublishing
base on
to use ideas or facts to make a decision
This movie was based on her life.
capable of making something new
We need more creative thinking.
focus on
to give one's attention to
Try to focus on the main points of the story.
the state or quality of being important or significant
What is the importance of this meeting?
focusing on the bad aspects of someone or something
The candidate received a negative response for changing his views.
a part or area of a country, or the world
This region gets a lot of rain.
the manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another
Sue has a good relationship with Tom. They are best friends.
tend to
having a tendency to do something
He tends to act differently when he is drunk.
in a way that one normally acts or behaves
typically, you want to make more money than you spend.
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